80 FMGs have been allowed for CRRIT to practice immediately: 44 are from DMSF.
Dated 25th May’21
Issued by the Director of Medical & Rural Health Services office, S Gurunathan, the director himself has confirmed that the govt. has permitted 80 Foreign Medical Graduates to complete their one-year Compulsory Rotatory Residential Internship Training at the District Headquarters Hospitals in Kancheepuram, Cuddalore and Erode districts based on their submission of necessary certificates.
This has come after much deliberation over the last few weeks as administrators under the leadership of Dr David K Pillai have been voicing their concerns regarding the FMGs. With a lot of uncertainty surrounding the FMGE 2021 and the constant burdening of the current healthcare force, Transworld Educare Pvt Ltd has suggested various alternatives and workarounds to help and assist the FMGs. The issue got a lot of momentum over the past few weeks and now finally it seems, there has been a breakthrough.
Now as per the govt. Order 10th cited, has permitted the Director of Medical & Rural Health Services to reallocate 80 foreign medical graduates, who have already been permitted to undergo CRRIT at three district headquarters hospitals. Government orders various Government Medical Colleges as a one-time measure, subject to the conditions that a “No Objection Certificate” shall be obtained from the Tamil Nadu state council. Dr M.G.R Medical University in one or two batches and with a certain fee structure will be allowed in Govt order in the reference cited and that of the Tamil Nadu Dr M.G.R Medical University.
As a result, 80 FMG candidates are re-allocated * re-accommodated to the institution noted against their name in the annexure, subject to the conditions that a “No Objection Certificate” shall be obtained from the Tamil Nadu Dr M.G.R Medical University in one or two batches and by the following fee structures allowed in govt order in the reference. The official notification has been attached to the blog.
Hence, the Joint Director of Health Services concerned is requested to obtain the application along with the documents from the individual and to send it to this directorate immediately for onward transmission to the Tamil Nadu Dr M.G.R Medical University for obtaining a No Objection Certificate and to proceed further in the matter.
Signed by S Guruathan,
Director of Medical & Rural Health Services
To download the official notice, click here.