FMGE JUNE 2021 Results Announced
Held on 18th June 2021, the results for Foreign Medical Graduate Examinations have been announced today i.e. 30th June 2021. Announced by the National Board of Examinations (NBE), FMGE June 2021, DMSF has achieved yet another milestone this year. Like every year, this year the students of DMSF have come out with flying colours and upheld the tradition of being the college with the highest passing percentage at FMGE.
You can check your FMGE result by clicking on this link.
We on behalf of the Davao Medical School Foundation would like to congratulate all the students who cleared their FMGE results. And for those who could not, we are here to support you and train you harder for your next attempt until you crack it.
Here are some quick stats for overall FMGE June 2021:
Total Number of Students appeared for FMGE June 2021 | 18048 |
Total Number of Students Passed | 4283 |
The number of students who failed | 12895 |
The number of students whose results are withheld | 213 |
The number of students who were absent | 1314 |
Overall Passing Percentage for FMGE June 2021 | 23.7% |
Highest Score obtained: 257/300
The number of students who scored more than 200: 241 students
Passing Marks: 150
To visit the official link:https://natboard.edu.in/viewUpload?xyz=RnRwZHRhcGo4ZEhzcVhpRjF5MndGdz09
Candidates can follow the below steps to check and download their FMGE 2021 June Result:
- 1. Visit the link https://natboard.edu.in/viewUpload?xyz=RnRwZHRhcGo4ZEhzcVhpRjF5MndGdz09
- 2. Click on the NBE FMGE June 2021 Result Notification.
- 3. You will be redirected to the login page.
- 4. Enter your FMGE login credentials.
- 5. Download the FMGE June 2021 result and take a printout of the same for future reference.