Important Notice for All the BS students of batch 2020-2021 for both Pune & Chennai Campuses
On the 18th of May’21, the Chairman of Kings International Medical Academy, Mr Kadwin Pillai along with the administration of Davao Medical School Foundation conducted the Parent Teacher Meet to address several queries of our students. The forum was also used to raise some concerns on behalf of the institution regarding various disciplinary matters and the wellbeing of the students. The main purpose of the meeting was to interact with the parents and keep them in the loop regarding the performance and activities of their wards.
Welcome Note: To all the parents and the students
The meeting commenced with Mr Pillai’s welcome greeting. In these testing and trying times, the main concern for all of us is the welfare of our students. The pandemonium caused by the pandemic is beyond our control as the second wave keeps wreaking havoc in our country. We have seen over the last couple of months, there has been a terrible loss of lives and widespread shortages of basic necessities. This pandemic has almost touched every sphere of life and changed the way the world used to work. But the silver lining in all of these is that we are not giving up. No matter the adversaries, our will to overcome challenges are only growing stronger.
Mode of Classes: Online classes to continue until further notice from Govt.
With that in mind, Mr Pillai has suggested that we cannot let this Pandemic hamper the academics of the students. When the country is facing an acute shortage of skilled healthcare professionals, it is even more important that we do our utmost to develop, train and equip our healthcare facilities with appropriate healthcare professionals. And to be a proficient doctor, every student must take their education years seriously. To keep the curriculum going without hampering the quality of education, Mr Kadwin Pillai has suggested that the online mode of classes for the BS students of batch 2020-2021 for both the Pune & Chennai campuses to continue.
We understand that offline face-to-face classes are more beneficial for the students and a student gets to learn more from a face-to-face class. Compared to online classes, students can concentrate more on face-to-face classes, get a better interaction with the professors and develop a better understanding. Also, the face-to-face classes are not only beneficial for the students but are also very helpful for the college administration as well as we can keep track and monitor every student and their performance much closely. Face-to-face classes also allow the administrators to impose certain restrictions to improve the concentration level of the students which is not possible for online classes. Yet, with the current situation, we are left with no option but to conduct the online classes. Mr Kadwin Pillai has assured every parent and the students that the administration is continuously striving to open up the campus as and when they receive a green signal from the government of India. Once the situation is conducive enough, the offline classes will be resumed as it still remains our top priority. Until then, we urge the students to diligently attend the online classes.
Attendance Report: Low Attendance will hamper your final BS marks.
One of the major concerns expressed by Mr Pillai during the parent-teacher meet is the fact that the students of the BS batch 2020-2021 for both Pune & Chennai campuses have registered a very low attendance for the online classes. With so much effort from the parents to avail medical education for their kids, continuous support of the faculties and administration to help every student achieve their dreams, low attendance is not at all accepted.
To get around this problem, Mr Pillai has announced two crucial steps which will be practised from now on:
- i. Parents will be notified immediately if a student is absent or even late for the class. Parents will be notified via calls, text messages and emails along with the attendance reports of their wards.
- ii. The attendance of the students will be carrying 25% of the total marks for the final BS result. 25% weightage now has been allotted to the attendance of the students to ensure they are more regular.
- iii. Also, all the students must attend all the lectures of each subject and deficiency of attendance in any of the subjects will lead to deduction of marks from the total.
These changes are implemented only for the well-being of the students. With online classes now scheduled for a longer duration than earlier expected, Mr Kadwin Pillai reiterates the need to apply strict measures to ensure maximum attendance. Also, 99% of the BS course will be completed in India before the students are sent to Davao Medical School Foundation for the MD course. So the students must clear their basics during this pre med training and the BS course. Any slack on this part of the curriculum will translate to bigger problems down the road which we want to avoid at all cost. So, to ensure students take these online classes seriously, we have introduced the attendance policies which are in practice as we speak.
Note: Marks for attendance is also practised at DMSF. Hence, this gives us a good opportunity to inculcate healthy habits in our students so that they do not face any challenge during their MD years.
Weekly Examinations: 25% of your BS final marks will be taken from your weekly examinations
Apart from the classes, it has also been noticed that the students of BS Batch 2020-2021 for both Pune & Chennai Campuses have not been attending the weekly examinations as well. And those who do, are not taking it seriously. All these are reflected in the poor performance of the students in the weekly examinations. DMSF has a rigorous schedule, one that includes regular tests and exams to keep the students involved in their studies. It is this approach over the years that have helped DMSF earn so many laurels. One that we cannot compromise on. Both your careers and our standards are at stake here.
So to ensure every student not only attends but takes these weekly examinations seriously, we have implemented the following:
- i. An aggregate of 25% will be carried forward and will be added to your tally to the final BS marks. This will ensure not only the students sit for the exams but also they will take the test seriously.
- ii. Mark sheet for each exam will be sent to the parents and the parents will be kept in the loop regarding the performance of their wards.
Note: For students who missed the exams, the same will be conducted in due time. Students are asked to keep following the notice board for the date and time of those re-conducted tests and exams.
Semester Exams: The semester exams will carry a weightage of 50%.
As per the revised format, here is the total break up of the marks for the final BS result.
- Attendance will carry 25%.
- Weekly Examinations will carry 25%.
- Semester Exams will carry 50%.
As for the schedule for the semester examinations, the same will be notified to the students in the coming days.
Pending Documents: Students must submit their 10th, 12th and Passport documents for us to apply for the Visa.
During the Parent-Teacher Meet, Mr Kadwin Pillai has reiterated that a majority of the students have not submitted their 10th, 12th and Passport documents. Some have not even applied for Passport. Post the completion of the BS course, the students will be sent to the Philippines for the MD course which will require a student visa. Although we take the responsibility of providing the students with the visas, this process can be lengthy and to avoid any last-minute delays, it is requested that the students send their required documents at the earliest. Although no confirmation has been received yet, we want to be prepared well in advance when the visa process commences.
Study Materials, Text Books & Sample Materials: We will be sending these to the residential address through a courier service.
Many students have shared their concerns and sent us a lot of queries regarding the books and study materials. Providing an update on the same, Mr Pillai has assured the students of BS batch 2020-2021 of the Pune campus and the Chennai campus that all the study material will be sent to the residential address of the students through a courier service very shortly. Students can keep in touch with the authority for the confirmation of the same.
Payment Of Fees: Students will not be allowed to sit for the lectures and their access to the examinations will be revoked for the non-payment of the fees.
And the last major talking point was the payment of the fees. It has been observed a large number of students have not cleared the basic amount and the administration has urged all the parents to clear all the dues. For any extreme situations, parents are welcome to talk to the administration and a suitable arrangement can be made. Non-payment of the fees will lead to barring the students from attending the classes and also their access to the examinations will be revoked.
In case the student has made the payment, it is advisable to get in touch with our accounts department to get the same updated on to our system. Also, our accounts team will be reaching out to all the students. The same can be resolved over the call.
Mail Us: Stay in touch and send in your queries @ info@dmsf.ph
This Parent Teacher Meet is one of the many as suggested by Mr Kadwin Pillai. The college officials are more than happy to stay in touch and keep the parents informed and in the loop. We request the students to send their queries so that we can take these up in future meets.
In conclusion, Mr Pillai has urged everyone to stay safe, stay home, maintain all social distancing protocols and has assured us that not only we will keep everyone in our prayers but also will aid anyone who needs any assistance all the while ensuring the academic growth of the students go unhampered.