National Exit Test to be held in the first half of 2023: NMC confirms NExT mock test in 2022
The National Exit Test popularly known as NExT is a proposed centralised medical examination that will be responsible for granting the license to practice medicine in India. NExT as per the very first amendment to the NMC bill lodged in February 2018 will be looking to replace all sorts of medical examinations for undergraduates as the sole competitive exam. NExT will also replace Foreign Medical Graduates Examination (FMGE) and therefore, unify the Foreign Medical Students and Indian Medical Students under one common examination. Although NExT looks to be more transparent, fair and removes discrimination, there has been a huge concern among the students who are currently practising MBBS about the NExT exam pattern and preparation time.
Keeping in mind the welfare of the students, the ministry has decided to conduct a mock test for the NExT exam for the students to apply and acclimatize themselves to the format of the test. The mock test for NExT will be held in 2022 and the main examinations are thought to be conducted in 2023, giving the students ample time to prepare for this shift in curriculum. The decision came to fruition in a review meeting with the National Medical Commission (NMC) on the 30th of July 2021.
The objective of the Govt is to create quality medical education everywhere with more transparent examinations and equal opportunities. The results of NExT will be used for the qualifying MBBS final examination and the same can be used to acquire a license to practice medicine in India. NExT will also help students to apply for the post-graduation courses for all medical students. However, the greatest implication of the exam will be to remove all kinds of discrimination that may exist for Foreign Medical Graduates because the exam will remain the same for FMGs and the local students. This will lead to mutual recognition for the foreign medical graduates and abolish any kind of biases that may exist, as confirmed by the health ministry.
Govt will also be rolling out a mock test in 2022 before the main examination to enable students to acclimatize with the NExt Exam Pattern. The mock test will mainly be conducted for the students who will be appearing for the exam for the first time in 2023. As confirmed by NMC, the National Exit Test will be conducted in 2023 as per the roadmap to give students enough time to prepare for this brand new exam and the mock test will be a trial run for those who want to get a better understanding of the NExT. The mock test will also let NMC test the exam procedure and rid students of their anxieties and worries that may cloud them due to this change.
With FMGE soon to be discontinued, and NExT to replace it, it will be interesting to see what happens next! But be assured, DMSF in association with Transworld Educare Pvt Ltd will be ready and prepare their students accordingly.