Update on Class XII board exam assessment
After the news regarding the cancellation of the CBSE Class XII board exams, there has been an overwhelming response from the students expressing their relief over the verdict. However, the update has also raised concerns among many regarding How will the students be assessed? What will be the criteria for admission into college and more.
Initially, it was decided that the schools were to submit the performance and result of the students from Class IX, X & XI. CBSE opined that they will be considering the performance of the students in their formative years apart from the practical scores. But many schools have failed to produce a record of the students from the previous years and have even failed to meet the deadline.
Because of this, Sanyam Bhardwaj, Controller of examinations CBSE, has confirmed that they will be preparing detailed protocol, guidelines and policies as to how we can evaluate the students most fairly and justifiably. The same will be presented to the Honourable Supreme Court after which the policies will be implemented.
One of the immediate ramifications that were sanctioned for the school that failed to produce the record of the previous years is being asked to conduct a separate set of practical exams whose results should be submitted to the CBSE by 28th June’21. Through all these, the officials at CBSE have reassured the students and the parents that whatever decision is taken, it will be “student-friendly”. As CBSE is aware of all the intricacies and challenges a student might face due to the scrapping of the board exams, the officials at the same time are trying to find the best way forward for all.
Speaking on this matter, CB Sharma, professor & former chairman at NIOS, has confirmed that through all these, the option to take the exam at a later date for the students not satisfied with the marking scheme will be still available. One of the major concerns for the officials is to make sure they level the playing grounds for all the students. The option to retake the test has been kept open for both the meritorious students who have worked hard over the years and also for average students who are not so confident about their previous year results.
CB Sharma has reiterated that because the school exams lack a statutory body like UGC, the decisions are taken in the interest of the school students which is mainly driven by administrative considerations.
Some of the principals of other high-performing schools have demanded objective assessment requesting the CBSE to keep the method congruent with not only the student’s performance but also with the performance of the school. The reason behind this argument stems from the fact that it is both the students and the school that mutually calibrate the curve of learning and performance. Whereas other academicians have suggested that to achieve better consistency with the assessment, CBSE should not only consider the scores in the Annual Exams but also consider the scores from Internals and other assessments. With various suggestions and opinions, although it has become quite arduous to reach a conclusion that is suitable for all but CBSE has ensured that their final assessment will make sure to consider all these.